Swing Analysis
We will do a Personal Analysis of
YOUR Wheel Power Golf Swing.
1- time $49
3 - times $129
Personal Golf Swing Analysis – How it Works
This service assumes that you are looking for feedback from us on the WHEEL POWER Golf Swing and no other swing technique.
You have watched BOTH the FREE Introduction Video and the Pay-per-View Advanced Training Video BEFORE we will do your Personal Swing Analysis.
Note: If you have not watched the Advanced Training video, it will be a waste of your time and ours to do the swing analysis because, in many cases, we may be pointing out errors or flaws that the Advanced Training video teaches you how to detect on your own.
Taking the videos that you plan to send us.
Use any type of video camera or smartphone with video capability.
Take 2 videos of yourself; one that shows you directly (FACE ON) and another video that shows you directly from behind (DOWN THE LINE).
For both videos, make sure the camera is back far enough to capture both the ball position and the club going over your head; we need to see the entire club action all through the swing. If you are using the video camera on a smartphone, turn the phone horizontally as landscape mode - which will allow you to get a closer view.
Perform the swing in a fairly slow-moderate speed. Don’t swing full speed. Even if we slow your video there may be too much motion blur to see exactly what you are doing.
The quality of the video does not have to be exceptional, but make sure the sun is not facing the camera or that it is light enough to see you clearly.
The video file size will depend not only on the video time, but also the video quality used. It does not have to be 4K or High Definition (HD) which will create larger files.
Use a shutter speed of no less than 30fps, ideally 60fps.
Make sure the video camera is mounted on some type of tripod to avoid jitter.
Make sure your camera is in focus on you.
Practice before you take the final 2 videos that you plan to send us so that you know exactly what you want us to see you doing.
The 2 videos must be MAXIMUM 10 seconds long each. We only need to see the swing done once from each of the 2 views; Face-On and Down-the-Line.
There is no real need for you to use video editing software to shorten videos. Just practice a few times, then do the final 2 videos. Use a remote control to start/stop your camera, or have someone operate the camera for you to help keep the videos under the 10-second limit. This will ensure that you are not wasting precious video time walking back and forth to operate the camera.
Place your 2 videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or some other location and send us the links. Make sure that we have access to them and they are NOT restricted as PRIVATE. You can send them to us as an email attachment (if the file size is small enough) . Many email system restrict files sizes to a maximum of only 25Mb.
If your video file is too large to send by email, you can download a FREE video compression program like HandBrake to compress the file into a much smaller .MP4 format.
Send us an email stating your name and the link to your video files.
Tell us IF you think you are doing the swing correctly, or specifically what you think that you are doing wrong, “I’m slicing, hooking, hitting it fat, thin”, etc.
Pay the swing analysis service fee on our website.
You can pay for 1-time Swing Analysis only, or a 3-time discounted Swing Analysis package.
For the 3-time Swing Analysis package, we strongly suggest that each analysis is at least 1 week apart. Your mind, body and muscle memory adjustments need some time to make the proper corrections.
Personal Swing Evaluation - What you get back from us.
We will review your swing and tell you what we see you doing incorrectly in an email, or we may also create a quick video explanation to you personally and provide you with a link to the video.
We may also refer you to a specific part of one of our videos where we discuss an action and show you what you are not doing correctly and how that is causing your problem(s).
Our goal is to help you get this swing working perfectly as quickly as possible by pointing out as many flaws as we spot for each analysis that you purchase from us.
Please allow 48-72 hours for us to respond.
Swing Analysis Warranty
Between watching our 2 videos (Introduction and Advanced Training) many times if needed and any swing analysis that you purchase from us, we will do our very best to point you in the right direction to make you aware of any flaws that we see. It is up to you to practice and make the corrections.
Golf is not easy, no matter what method you use, and YOU must be eager and dedicated enough to take the time required to get the swing correct. Learning anything new requires some initial tough work as you break old muscle memory habits.
We guarantee that we will do our best to help you learn this swing technique, but we have no control over your physical ability and personal dedication; therefore, we cannot guarantee that you can or will learn it.